If a majority of the players in the palm oil industry committed to less destructive palm oil production, forests and endangered wildlife would be less under threat as sustainable palm oil became the norm. Over the past 5 years, Catalyze has supported the RSPO to reach this goal by articulating a more distinct visual brand, improving its web platforms, and strengthening its marketing efforts among others.

Context While the RSPO had made a solid start with developing its standard for certified sustainable palm oil, the organization's communications were initially overlooked. As a consequence, the RSPO was not maximizing its ability to project a consistent identity and make optimal use of its communication channels.

Approach Starting with the preparation of institutional visual guidelines, our collaboration with RSPO has expanded over the years to include the design of infographics, publications and event artwork among others. The organization now projects a more systematic identity across its print and digital media, helping to strengthen its brand.

The discourse on sustainable palm oil is complex and controversial, so we needed to give RSPO a prominent place online to communicate what it stands for and how it operates. Through ongoing improvements to the organization's website, we have raised its search engine ranking dramatically for popular terms such as "sustainable palm oil" (as of early 2017) while making ongoing improvements to its design, regardless of browsing device.

As our relationship with the RSPO has deepened, so has our understanding of the complex world of commodity certification, supply chains and multistakeholder collaborations. This knowledge continues to feed into the communications and marketing services we provide to the RSPO.

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