Scaling up support for marine protected areas from the community to the provincial level
© RARE Indonesia

Over the years, RARE has demonstrated that enlisting the participation of small-scale fishers in managing fisheries is an effective way to help stocks to replenish. This approach has worked well in coastal settlements, where RARE applies social marketing techniques that generate communities' buy-in for setting aside protected waters.

Our overarching framework to identify the most effective campaign tactics was an experiential and Human-Centered Design (HCD) approach, starting off with the Discovery process.

Our overarching framework to identify the most effective campaign tactics was an experiential and Human-Centered Design (HCD) approach, starting off with the Discovery process.

In a first stage, we set off for Kendari on the island of Sulawesi, where we carried out in-depth interviews with people representing policy makers and government officials, Civil Society Groups, and journalists. The insights from these discussions helped us to identify key messages, angles and channels we might use to get marine protected areas on the radar of our target audience.

For example, we found that the people we talked to use various keywords to describe the importance of fisheries sector, yet it was rarely connected to environmental conservation. There was also a reported dearth of stories in the media that can represent the MA+R concept well while still being relevant enough to attract the attention of the general public.

© Tarlan S., RARE, 2019
© RARE Indonesia
© RARE Indonesia
© RARE Indonesia
© RARE Indonesia
© RARE Indonesia
© RARE Indonesia
© RARE Indonesia

Building on the discovery process, we brought government and media people in Kendari together for a co-creation session, with the purpose to let them design the type of interventions they felt would be the most suitable in the context of our goal.

The result of this process consisted of 4 key ideas to be rolled out for the province-wide campaign strategy, focusing on messaging, scope and applications. Catalyze refined and integrated these ideas into a campaign document for the RARE team to share with their partners, as a basis to get the campaign under way in the province.

With the strategy completed, RARE now has a blueprint to take their campaign work to the next level in Sulawesi, in what we hope will be the first of similar scaling-up efforts in Indonesia.

Extensive knowledge about concept of effective communication that creates impact.

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